So when I pull the cover off the air conditioning plus call for the air conditioning tune up, it’s Springtime for me
I just cherish it when I get to see the word March on my calendar, then this means only one thing to me plus that’s the waning of Winter; While my sibling to the far south is already sending us picture of azaleas, my pal and I are still locked into Winter, however in fact, my pal and I are dealing with a giant chilly front plus some snow this legitimately weekend. The gas boiler is still doing its thing every night so my pal and I are a ways from being blissful over all the rebirth that comes with Springtime. Still, before this latest chilly snap, I observed that the gas boiler wasn’t running quite as much; And I even turned down the temperature control in my office last week, and my nice friend and I have zone controlled Heating & Air Conditioning in the office so I’m really blessed to have a temperature control of my own. But Springtime isn’t respectfully here in my book until I uncover the air conditioning. Well, I’m really uncovering the Heating & Air Conditioning cabinet that is part of the heat pump side of the Heating & Air Conditioning equipment. I cover this Heating & Air Conditioning component up during the winter time to keep the weight of snow plus ice off the fan plus other delicate parts. It just makes sense to help protect that part of the residential Heating & Air Conditioning. I mean, the thing has to sit out in the elements during the worst of winter time weather. So when I pull the cover off the air conditioning plus call for the air conditioning tune up, it’s Springtime for me. While I’ve begun to quietly be joyful in anticipation of that event, I’m not getting ahead of myself either. The fact that the gas boiler is on right now sort of brings me back to reality a bit.